AGAINST a bill that requires stronger background check procedures before a federal firearms licensee may transfer a firearm to a person who is not such a licensee.

Current law allows a federally licensed firearm dealer to transfer a gun to a customer if the federal background check is not completed within 3 days.

While 96 percent of background checks are processed within 3 business days, hundreds of thousands are not. That means hundreds of thousands of guns can be sold without completed background checks. These sales have deadly consequences, putting guns in the hands of convicted felons, domestic abusers, fugitives from justice, and other prohibited persons.

FOR the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act that allows a person with a concealed carry permit from one state to carry their weapon in any other state, and on any federal land, such as national parks or national monuments. However, a person turned down in one state, such as California — a “may” issue state that requires permit applicants justify their need to carry a concealed weapon — could apply for a permit in neighboring Arizona, which does not require applicants to be Arizona residents, and be legally permitted to carry in California after all.  This act forces states to accept any and all gun permits and would make the weakest laws in the country the new norm, something the NRA, a $30 million donator to Trump’s election campaign, wants to see. Officials in New York and Los Angeles warn that the legislation would allow an unknown number of tourists – perhaps hundreds of thousands each year – to carry concealed handguns into America’s densest urban areas, including Times Square and the New York City subway. Big city police chiefs across the county have spoken out against the bill, calling it a law enforcement nightmare.

 It failed in the Senate and is being re-introduced in the House.

 FOR the Veteran’s 2nd Amendment Protection Act authorizing veterans deemed mentally incompetent to buy firearms, unless they are found by a judge to be dangerous to themselves or others.

The Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act would prevent the Department of Veterans Affairs from reporting veterans’ records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System after they’ve been deemed incapable of managing their financial affairs because of a disabling mental disorder.

 In a letter, members of the Veterans Coalition for Common Sense wrote:

The bill you are debating comes at a time when an average of 20 veterans commit suicide each day, two-thirds of whom do so by using a firearm. We know that non-deployed veterans are at a 61 percent higher risk of suicide compared to the American civilian population, and deployed veterans are at a 41 percent higher risk. When vulnerable veterans have access to firearms, they can do harm not only to themselves but also to family members and loved ones.  

FOR stopping the District of Columbia from enforcIng certain firearms statutes. This bill greatly weakens District of Colombia gun-control laws and stops D.C. from enforcing all provisions of

The Firearms Registration Amendment Act of 2008;

The Firearms Amendment Act of 2012; and

The Administrative Disposition for Weapons Offenses Amendment Act of 2012 

45 states have a “pre-emption” law prohibiting local governments from enacting gun regulations that are stricter than those passed by state legislatures.

This way of restricting local law-making was pioneered by tobacco companies looking to head off regulation in the 1960s and ‘70s. But in the last few decades, the National Rifle Association, through its supporters in state legislatures, has repeatedly used pre-emption to successfully block gun reform efforts. And the threat of lawsuits against cities that run afoul of the legislation has had a chilling effect on local lawmakers across the country, even in deep blue states like California. This House bill would take these restrictions to D.C. to block local legislator attempts to pass laws that keep their communities safe.

This House bill did not pass in the Senate where a number of Republican Senators opposed it.