• How Democracies Die - Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt  Democracies often die with a whimper, not a bang.

  • Our Damaged Democracy - Joe Califano on  the dangerous accumulation of power in the executive branch.

  • RATF**KED - The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal America's Democracy - reviewed HERE

  • Dark Money - Jane Mayer - how Kochs and friends planned, organized, and funded their right wing agenda the past 40 years.

  • The Little Blue Book - George Lakoff - How the left can use language to reclaim the moral high ground and advance their cause

  • People Get Ready - Nichols and McChesney - to be read after Dark Money

  • Saving Capitalism - Robert Reich - how to fix American capitalism

  • The Price of Inequality - Joseph Stiglitz - bad things happen politically and economically for everyone over time

  • Listen Liberal - Thomas Frank - skewers coastal liberalism and "the party of the people"

  • Rich Media Poor Democracy - Robert McChesney - an acclaimed analysis of media in America

  • A People's History of the United States - Howard Zinn - a different take on what most of us learned

  • We The Corporations- Adam Winkler Fascinating story of American history and the court cases leading to Citizens United.

  • The New Jim Crow - Michelle Alexander - how laws have been used to create a 2nd Jim Crow regime in our country

  • Bowling Alone - Robert Putnam - the fraying/collapse of American communities and what that means for all of us

  • The Upswing -Robert Putnam. How wealth inquality in the US lessened from the Gilded Age to the late 60’s, and how it has steadily increased the last 50 years.

  • Democracy in Chains - the history of James Buchanan and Public Choice Theory impacts on government today

  • The Mueller Report online

  • What Money Can’t Buy Michael Sandel—the spread of market norms to all aspects of our lives

  • The Tyranny of Merit -Sandel- How our values lead to loss of work with dignity and polarization in society

  • Surveillance Capitalism Shoshana Zuboff the extraction and use of personal data to predict and modify behavior

  • Why Nations Fail. Acemoglu and Robinson. Watch your GINI.

  • Shadow Network Anne Nelson Money, media, and the hub (CNP) of the right wing

  • The Big Myth Oreskes and Conway How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government